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Autonomous Transportation Canada is looking at the potential for future connected and autonomous transportation post COVID-19 as we continue with our 2020 virtual event series under the theme, Prepare Together.
Prepare Together 2020 Virtual Event Series
- To bring together leaders to discuss impacts and opportunities post COVID-19
- To Prepare Together for better mobility and urban planning
- To focus on education and informatin sharing as we get ready for connected and autonomous transportation at the intersection of technology, data governance and urban planning
The next event will be held on Municipal Planning & Preparedness for Connected and Autonomous Transportation that rethinks traditional forms of mobility and urban planning. The focus is getting cities prepared for what is to come, and finding solutions that make our communities work better in the future. What has to change for cities to champion the possibilities and see a vision of better mobility?
Friday October 23, 2020 – 11:00am-12:00pm Eastern Time
The web link to join event will be shared with those registered prior to the event

Mara Bullock, P.Eng. Smart Mobility National Manager, WSP
Mara Bullock, brings over 27 years of experience of applying technology to transportation and community building to her role as WSP’s Smart Mobility National Manager. Over her career, Mara has seen significant transformation in services as new technologies evolve as well as new opportunities and different ways of doing business. Automated, Connected, Electric and Shared mobility will further transform the services offered as well as the incorporation of micro and macro transit into the fabric of communities. Mara believes that technology is a tool to resolve operational or institutional gaps or deficiencies that cities and transportation networks face and understanding those problems and needs is critical to delivering the project. Mara led a project in the GTHA that was focused on supporting public sector agencies in understanding what needs to be done to prepare for a future with connected and automated vehicles and will share some of those lessons today.
Mara led a project in the Greater Toronto Hamilton Area (GTHA) that focused on supporting public sector agencies in understanding what needs to be done to prepare for a future with connected and automated vehicles

Chris Gillis, P. Eng.
Manager, Applied Research Business Development Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Durham College
Chris is the college lead for applied research project
development in the areas of connected & autonomous vehicles and advance
For over 25 years he has worked with both private and public sector
organizations, covering a wide variety of industries and sectors in Canada, the
United States, Mexico and the United Kingdom, to develop and implement
innovative solutions.

Ryan Lanyon, Manager, Strategic Policy and Innovation, Transportation Services, City of Toronto
Ryan serves as the Chair of the Automated Vehicles Interdivisional Working Group for the City of Toronto and will share progress on the City’s “AV Readiness 2022” plan which includes an autonomous shuttle trial and creation of a Transportation Innovation Zone (TIZ) program.
Ryan Lanyon has been working in urban transportation for 20 years in the areas of policy development, demand management, public realm management, mobility, and senior-level public administration. He has been a visible champion and thought leader for sustainable modes of transportation, innovation, as well as new ways of delivering public services. He has also been working with U.S. and Canadian organizations to help Toronto and other major cities begin to consider how to address the potential changes to mobility patterns, land use, and infrastructure needs resulting from driverless cars.

Arif Rafiq
Industry Manager, Transportation, Esri Canada, and Board Member, Autonomous Transportation Canada
Focusing on advising customers on how to use geographic information system (GIS) technology and location intelligence to improve all areas of transportation management.
Arif K. Rafiq is the Transportation Industry Manager for Esri Canada. His efforts are focused on advising customers how to use GIS technology to improve all areas of transportation management, specifically highways, public transit, aviation, marine, rail, freight and logistics. As a global transportation management systems specialist, Arif has significant experience managing highway infrastructure around the world. Exploring our vast planet with all its cultures and beauty has a been a major part of his life; he believes that the only thing you can buy that will make you richer is travel.

Maureen Shuell,
Founder and Executive Director, Autonomous Transportation Canada, and COO, Electric Mobility Canada
With a background in communications with political and not-for-profit organizations, including 12 years leading communications for the Canadian Urban Transit Association, in 2012, she founded RendezVous Communications focusing on supporting clients with media and government relations; issues management; and, not-for-profit management with a lens on the sustainable mobility, infrastructure and clean technology sectors, and led to her new position as COO of Electric Mobility Canada.
Early in 2019, after extensive industry consultations, Maureen identified the need for a holistic approach and coordination of the emerging connected, automated, shared and electric (CASE) mobility sector. There was a disconnect among industry leaders with respect to the broader infrastructure framework of this fast-growing autonomous transportation ecosystem. This led to the founding of Autonomous Transportation Canada and its launch in September 2019 as the only nationally incorporated not-for-profit association with a mandate to efficiently connect the expanding community of connected and autonomous transportation stakeholders.
A limited number of sponsorships are still available for the Prepare Together virtual event series. Contact info@autonomoustransportation.